Candidate Name Sarah Laycock
Candidate Number 10549261
Pathway Music Performance and Production
Project Title UNDERWATER
Section 1: Context (approx. 300 words)
Throughout my previous projects I have learnt a variety of skills, some of these include: Composition, Recording, Performance, Practical Skills and Promotion/Event Management. Within composition I have learnt  how to use music industry standard software, for example: Logic Pro and Sibelius. I also have a passion for songwriting using practical skills which I have learnt throughout the past 2 years in Bradford College, such as, learning to play minor and major scales on the piano and vocally, how to read sheet music and learning sus chords. Within recording I have learnt how to set up my own recording studio and how to work a PA system. I have also performed at many venues such as: City Park in Bradford for BBC Music Day, the Underground and Black Dyke Mills. This has helped me gain confidence within performing both as a solo artist and with a band, which is why I also want to include a Final Performance of my EP in the Delius Arts Centre for my EP Launch. I have also set up my own Charity Gig event to raise money for people with Dementia. This included my role of creating promotional material for social media, such as: logos and posters.

This has therefore prepared me for this project as I will be creating my own EP.  The reason that I have chosen to make an EP for my Final Major Project is because I want to become a professional singer/songwriter in the future and develop myself as an artist.  Overall I believe that this will be a good opportunity to help get my name out there within the music industry.

Section 2: Research (approx. 50 words)
For my research I will focus on these areas:

Successful Artists

The best way to promote music

Cost/Quantity – Setting a budget

How should you release it?

My target audience will be young adults aged 18-25. I will also be using the Harvard referencing style to document any research which I have completed. For secondary research, I will be using websites, journals, art galleries and books to complete my research effectively. For primary research, I have already completed a questionnaire within my presentation and I will be using this to effectively promote my EP.

Section 3: Problem solving (approx. 100 words)
Once I have identified the problems that I may encounter, I will include them in a risk assessment to present how I ‘select the appropriate solution.’ (Scribd, 2018).

One identifiable problem that I may encounter is if I don’t prepare enough or make the schedule detailed enough and therefore don’t complete songs in time or have to research mid-way through. To solve this I will ensure that I will complete research in all aspects which I believe are useful to my project by looking at a variety of sources, I will also ensure to evaluate every week to ensure that I am within my schedule.  In addition there may be issues within collaboration, such as not getting high quality images back off photographers or not being able to contact them after collaborating. To solve this I will ensure to get any materials produced within the collaboration the same day as we have collaborated to ensure that I have the resources as soon as possible so I can then distribute it as well as being more in control of the situation.

Section 4: Planning and production (approx. 50 words)
To time manage effectively I need to ensure I plan thoroughly before I do a task so that I am aware of everything I have completed with every session/rehearsal, to ensure that I am on track with my schedule I will be creating a Practice Diary in my notebook so I can evaluate and reflect my weekly progress.  I will be creating a detailed schedule of every week before I start the production of the EP. This will ensure that I am fully prepared.

Since I will be producing the EP I will need to think about how long it will take to compose chord progressions and lyrics and how I will then produce this on Logic Pro. As I will then be adding harmonies and various instrumentation. Alongside this I will also be promoting my EP, therefore I will need to consider graphic design within my schedule and how I will collaborate with others to produce promotional material.

To do this, the resources I will need to use will be equipment such as: cameras, computer’s, USBs, a notebook, studio space to record vocals, studio space to practice my performance (includes a piano) and leads.

Section 5: Practical skills (approx. 100 words)
From my previous projects I have learnt a range of skills which include: Composition, Recording, Performance and Promotion.

Firstly I have been writing from a young age and have a passion for composition because of its freedom and creativity. Therefore for my final project I wanted to incorporate my main skill of composition as it is both something I enjoy and have a high skill level in. To help me achieve the best songwriting possible I will need to set up a process where I can recognise my ideas such as, ‘mind mapping.’ (Gardiner, 2018). To help my songwriting process and prevent writer’s block I will be researching into ‘The Art of Songwriting’ by ‘Andrew West.’

Secondly I have learnt a variety of recording skills, from setting up a mic to a PA system, I have the ability to be able to easily record crisp and precise vocals. In addition I have also done many performances throughout the past 2 years which included a range of both ensemble and solo performances. In addition I have also learnt how to promote online and offline from one of my previous projects, the Charity Gig. By creating posters, logos and online material I believe that I have gained a lot of knowledge into promotion and how it can be best suited for a certain product or brand.

Section 6: Evaluation and reflection (approx. 100 words)
I will evaluate and reflect in several ways, these include: writing rehearsals and documenting work in the form of a practice diary, having a notepad portfolio which will include artwork, songwriting and any other ideas as well as documenting all my evaluations onto my online portfolio on WordPress. To evaluate effectively I will be using the Boud method:

By using this method throughout my process I will be able to easily evaluate my process throughout. To help me evaluate my process further I will be documenting my work by taking photos/videos, writing ideas/mindmapping and drawing artwork. This will then help me to produce weekly evaluations on my work successfully to help me time manage effectively.

To help me reflect throughout my project I will be using a variety of reflective models such as: Schon’s (1983) ‘Reflection in Action’ and Kolb’s (1984) Learning Cycle. (Reflective Practice, 2018).  Overall this will then be a cohesive set of work which I will be able to reflect on to write a final evaluation which will include the successes and improvements that occurred throughout my project.

Section 7: Presentation (approx. 100 words)
I will present my progress throughout my project in 5 ways, these are: through my own website (, notepad portfolio, online portfolio (, social media and final performance. I will present through my own website by posting photos, blogging about events, linking to my YouTube channel and creating a mailing list. This will mainly present the whole aesthetic of my EP and brand as an artist. I will present my work through my notepad portfolio by showing rough ideas and then how I developed them throughout my project. I will also present the majority of my work on my online portfolio, as this will include all my research and progress of my EP. Through my social media I will present my promotion of my EP. Then for my final performance I will present my launch of my EP.
Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)                
Leeds-List. (2018). The Top 10 Art Galleries in Leeds. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jun. 2018].

Gardiner, H. (2018). 8 Creative Thinking Techniques and The Tools To Use. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jun. 2018].

Reflection. (2018). [ebook] Learning Development with Plymouth University., p.All. Available at: [Accessed 2 Jun. 2018].

Reflective Practice. (2018). [ebook] King’s College London, p.All. Available at: [Accessed 2 Jun. 2018].

Scribd. (2018). Theoretical Approaches to Problem Solving and Decision Making. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jun. 2018].

Smith, M. (2018). The reflective process. [ebook] California: University of California. Available at: [Accessed 2 Jun. 2018].

Kusek, D. (2018). 3 Creative Album Release Strategies for Artists at Any Level. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jun. 2018].