On the 10th of April I went to both the Leeds Art Gallery and the Henry Moore Institute. My main aim and focus was to look at the variety of artists pieces and take inspiration from them for my own artwork for my EP. I firstly went to Leeds Art Gallery and looked around at the artwork and chose pieces which would benefit my project.
The first artist which I thought would inspire my project is Adelsteen Normann, with the painting: The Sognefjord.

Normann ‘was a noted painter of landscapes of Norway,’ as he painted a variety of landscapes throughout Norway. In this painting, Sognefjord (‘Fjord is a long, narrow inlet with steep sides or cliffs, created by a glacier’ and a Sognefjord being a ‘King of the Fjords’ [Wikipedia]) it represents the vast steepness of the mountains placed against the softness of water.
This painting represents a view in Norway of a river and mountains. I chose this painting due to the depth of it and the way the mountains stood above the river. I liked the composition of the painting as well the way the water was presented. I am inspired by this painting because of the emotion that it portrays, the feeling of peace and tranquility. Throughout my artwork I want to represent a series of emotions, the main one being portrayed through water, the emotion fear. I believe that fear is not represented throughout the painting above, in fact it almost presents the opposite. However I believe that I can showcase an emotion, like this painting does, to engage people into buying my EP due to the composition and meaning behind it as well as the pieces of music it presents.
I also took this picture (above) which was a small book full of various memories. I loved the way that it represented something meaningful within just these two photos. A time in someone’s life where they stopped in their life to take a photo to represent their emotion and feeling at the time. I think this is an extremely creative way of presenting a series of memories to later share and treasure. I also like the composition as they are smaller photos and presented on each page. The small description underneath each photo is also helpful and presents the title of the place where the photograph was taken.
I think that I could take inspiration from ‘Festival Gardens-Photo Memories’ due to one of my songs being based off of memories, City of Street Lights. I believe that I could almost present my photos in this way online or physically and include it in both my promotion and product. I think that this will give more emotion and value to the music because if I was to go and take pictures of memories in my life, or present some of the older photos that I have of my life, I think that more people would connect to the music and meaning behind it rather than just listening to pieces of music.